[jekyll] AppleScriptで新規投稿を楽にしてみた



  1. ダイアログにスラッグ(yyyy-mm-dd-slug.mdのslugの部分)を入力
  2. ファイル作成
  3. ファイルにテンプレートを書き込み
  4. エディターでファイルを開く





-- 設定
set timezone to "+09:00"
set postdir to "Macintosh HD:Users:kerotaa:Sites:kerotaa.github.com:_posts"
set editor to "/Applications/Sublime Text 2.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl"

-- 日付取得
set dt to (current date)

on date_to_iso(dt)
    set {year:y, month:m, day:d} to dt
    set y to text 2 through -1 of ((y + 10000) as text)
    set m to text 2 through -1 of ((m + 100) as text)
    set d to text 2 through -1 of ((d + 100) as text)
    return y & "-" & m & "-" & d
end date_to_iso

on date_time_to_iso(dt, timezone)
    set {year:y, month:m, day:d, hours:h, minutes:min, seconds:s} to dt
    set y to text 2 through -1 of ((y + 10000) as text)
    set m to text 2 through -1 of ((m + 100) as text)
    set d to text 2 through -1 of ((d + 100) as text)
    set h to text 2 through -1 of ((h + 100) as text)
    set min to text 2 through -1 of ((min + 100) as text)
    set s to text 2 through -1 of ((s + 100) as text)
    return y & "-" & m & "-" & d & "T" & h & ":" & min & ":" & s & timezone
end date_time_to_iso

-- 置換
on replaceText(theText, serchStr, replaceStr)
    set tmp to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to serchStr
    set theList to every text item of theText
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to replaceStr
    set theText to theList as string
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tmp
    return theText
end replaceText

-- ファイル作成
on create_post_file(postdir, filename)
    tell application "Finder" to make new file with properties {name:filename} at alias postdir
end create_post_file

-- ファイル書き込み
on write_post_file(postdir, filename, iso_datetime)
    set filepath to {postdir & ":" & filename} as text
    set input_text to {"---
layout: post
date: " & iso_datetime & "
categories: []
tags: []
"} as text

        set fn to open for access file filepath with write permission
        set eof of fn to 0
        write input_text to fn
        close access fn
    end try

end write_post_file

-- エディターで開く
on open_file_with_editor(postdir, filename, editor)
    set filepath to {postdir & ":" & filename} as text
    set filepath_std to replaceText(replaceText(filepath, ":", "/"), "Macintosh HD", "")
    do shell script {"'" & editor & "' '" & filepath_std & "'"} as text
end open_file_with_editor

-- メイン
display dialog "スラッグを入力してください:" default answer ""
set slug to text returned of result
set iso_date to date_to_iso(dt)
set iso_datetime to date_time_to_iso(dt, timezone)
set filename to {iso_date & "-" & slug & ".md"} as text
create_post_file(postdir, filename)
write_post_file(postdir, filename, iso_datetime)
open_file_with_editor(postdir, filename, editor)

enjoy wink

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